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The Rock Star Wants a Wife Page 13
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Page 13
Penny didn't want to imagine the river in the wet season. Swirling floodwaters, swollen with cyclonic rains, that would sweep them away like leaves on the wind.
"But love's a good thing," Penny argued, thinking of the thrill she got when Jay touched her. That she wanted more of. That the fucking bitch up there shouldn't be getting.
"Not always."
"So you're not here for love?" Penny challenged. Calais had to be lying.
Calais sighed. "No, I'm not. Look, don't get me wrong. Jay's awesome. It was worth it just to meet him. He's like the perfect big brother you always wished you had. Not that I don't love my brother – I do. And he's awesome, too. But Jay...he's like having a superhero for a brother. He's not the sort of guy either of us is likely to meet normally. But somehow we did and he's just...perfect. Don't you think?"
Moaning and squealing sounded from above.
"Sounds like your Mr Perfect is having sex with Lorelei. That knocks his halo right off, in my book," Penny remarked.
"Only if I wanted him for myself. He's only doing it to be nice, you know. He said he's too soft-hearted to turn a girl down. Doesn't want her to feel bad about herself, so if he can, he does. He's gone to so much trouble to make this trip memorable for us." Calais waved at the falls. "I mean, just look at this place!" She froze, staring at the crocodile warning sign. "Are there really crocodiles here, or was he joking about that?"
Penny pointed across the river, where two metre-long beasts were sunning themselves on a rock. "You could ask Penny Croc and Calais Croc over there."
Calais squinted at the crocodiles. "They don't look very big. If those are the babies, where's their mum?"
"Nah, those are freshwater ones. They won't hurt you. I don't think they get much bigger than that. It's the salties that eat people. Those are what you have to watch out for."
Calais stared at her. "Did you used to live up here? You know so much about them."
Penny nodded. "Hedland, then here. Or Broome, at least. Before I joined a cruise ship to cook my way around the world. At first, I laughed about crocodiles being an important part of the safety briefing, but that was before I saw one of the big ones. They're fast and deadly. If they get their teeth into you, you're a goner."
They sat there in silence for a few minutes, before Calais said softly, "We can't let Lorelei get her teeth into Jay. He doesn't deserve someone like her. I don't know who he'll send home next. If it's me, can you promise me something? If it comes down to just you and her, don't let him choose her."
"I swear," Penny said instantly. "Same, though. If he sends me home and it's just you and her, don't let the bitch have him."
"Deal," Calais said.
They both watched as a bright green bottom appeared over the edge, bisected by a pink g-string. Penny and Calais fought not to laugh as Lorelei, her back covered in slime from crown to knees, climbed down the cliff. When she reached the bottom she turned to face the other two girls, fanning her flushed face. "Oh my God, that was incredible," she said. "Like having a jackhammer inside me. You can't imagine what it feels like." She smirked. "We're going to have one incredible wedding night. You'll have to watch it on TV, seeing as you won't be invited." It took her a moment to realise what she'd said. "To the wedding. You won't be invited to the wedding. And there won't be cameras on the wedding night. I'd never sink so low as to need to do porn films!"
Calais managed not to laugh, but Penny wasn't that polite. "Yeah, good luck with that," Penny said. The only way Lorelei would be Jay's bride was over her dead body. And now, Calais', too. The bitch didn't stand a chance.
For the next few days following the trip to the falls, Penny and Calais avoided Lorelei as much as possible, leaving her at the camp with Bec and Luke while they hiked up to the bluff and watched for whales. Calais had spotted a couple before Penny saw a single one, but more and more were swimming past, heading for the other side of the archipelago, to their breeding grounds.
Jay remained at the resort, not staying at the camp at all, to Penny's dismay. That meant he wasn't with Lorelei, though, which was a good thing. He'd collected her for their date and returned her right after, with a casual wave to the other girls before he headed back to the resort by boat.
But when Paige arrived, with two new cameramen in tow, Penny paid attention. She and Calais spotted the boat in the distance, so they had time to make their way to the beach in time to meet the boat. "Time for the family dinner," Paige said, trudging up the beach. "Are you feeling nervous yet?"
Calais' jaw dropped. "We get to meet Jay's family?"
Paige shrugged. "Standard part of the show. The bachelors get to show the girls off and get outside opinions from the people they know and trust. More work for me, because I have to interview anyone who's willing to offer an opinion, but this is where things get mixed up a bit, because they usually see things Jay won't, because they're not in looooove."
Penny couldn't help but smile. No member of Jay's family would want him anywhere near Lorelei. She and Calais had a chance, though, if they played their cards right. Mums and grandmas always loved a girl who could cook, something Penny had in the bag. Calais would probably just clam up, which suited Penny fine.
"Traditionally, this is where you girls get to cook for them all, too, but because dinner's at the resort, I'm not sure. Jay will let us know when we arrive." She clapped her hands. "Chop chop! Get your things, girls. You're moving back to the resort for the night. We'll be back at camp tomorrow, though. Can't have you getting too cosy."
Penny almost moaned at the sheer pleasure of having a hot shower again. It had been weeks. Not that the camp showers had been cold, but...it just wasn't the same. So she missed civilisation. She was a city girl – she was supposed to. For the first time, she looked forward to the end of filming, just so she could have all the everyday comforts she missed. Like hot water, a fridge, an oven, electric lights, not having to restrain herself from killing Lorelei in her sleep...
Reluctantly, she turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower, wondering what to wear. She'd brought two dresses for the trip – both more suitable for dates than family dinners. One of them would have to do, though, seeing as there wasn't a clothing shop on the island and the souvenir shop only sold swimsuits, board shorts and t-shirts.
The black or the blue? That decision was easy – the blue, of course. Her little black dress was definitely for dates, and she had one with Jay this week. The blue would have to do.
Hoping she still remembered how to do it, she curled her hair into a twist on the back of her head and secured it with a silver clip that she knew stood out against her dark hair, though she couldn't see it herself. She dug out her makeup and set to work. Not too much – she didn't want his family to think she shovelled it on the way Lorelei did – but just enough to show, so they could see that she'd made an effort to look good. She didn't have much jewellery, so she didn't bother wearing any.
She dug out her heels, which had languished in the bottom of her bag since they'd boarded the boat for Camp Romance, and slipped them onto her feet. It felt strange after so long in flat shoes, so she practised striding across the room in them, until she felt like she wasn't going to trip on every other step. It's not like they were six inches high. They were a fairly modest three, she thought, peering down.
A knock sounded at the door. Was it time already?
"Who is it?" Penny quavered.
"I'm Adam, the hotel porter, ma'am. Reception sent me with a delivery for you."
A porter she didn't know. Penny waved the door open.
He held out a small bag, about the size of his hand. By his side, he held two more.
"Who's it from?" she asked, taking the bag and peering inside.
"Reception, ma'am," he repeated tersely.
Reception. Right. She thanked him and retreated into her room, letting the door hiss closed behind her. Puzzled, she tipped the bag out on the bed. All it con
tained was a black box, tied shut with a coal-coloured bow. She untied it and tugged off the lid. And gasped.
Inside was a pearl necklace with matching earrings. The pearls were an unusual silvery blue that she'd never seen before, set in brushed silver. Penny held the box up beside her face, staring intently at her reflection in the mirror. They were a perfect match for both her and the dress. Who had sent them? And how had they known?
Deciding that she would wear jewellery after all, she donned the timely gift, tucked a stray wisp of hair behind her ear, and ventured to the Dampier Room for dinner.
Penny smoothed her skirt before walking into the Dampier Room, aware of the cameras recording everything. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw she wasn't the last to arrive. Aside from the camera crew, there were only three other people present at the table set for eight: Jay, Calais and a woman who looked around Penny's age sat beside Calais. Jay's sister, perhaps?
"Penelope, this is my hotel manager, Xan Lane," Jay said, banishing that idea. "She takes care of the resort while I'm off enjoying myself with you ladies."
Xan rolled her eyes. "I take care of the resort, regardless. I have yet to see you do a day's work since you arrived." She had an English accent, a strong contrast to her tanned, athletic appearance. Penny would have pegged her as Aussie to the core.
Jay grinned. "One of the perks of being the boss."
So Meier had left, to be replaced by...her. Penny shook hands with the woman, wondering how someone so young could get a job managing a place like Romance Island Resort. Not through sleeping with Jay, by the sound of things.
Calais didn't scrub up too badly, Penny decided, eyeing the girl beside Xan. She'd let her hair down and looked like she'd taken advantage of being in civilisation to wash and style it properly, so it fell in soft curls around her face. She smiled at Penny, nervously tucking a curl behind her ear, and Penny saw that she wasn't the only one who'd received pearls. Calais' were a different colour, though – not blue but a pale gold, set in gold instead of silver. She had a matching pendant around her neck, too, that gave her dark, wine-coloured dress a startling splash of brightness.
If Calais got to sit beside Jay, Penny would do the same, she decided, sinking onto the empty chair on Jay's right.
Her bottom had barely touched the cushion before Jay leaned over and whispered, "I take it you liked my gift?"
Penny glanced at her necklace. Not from Reception. From Jay, of course.
"Absolutely. Thank you," she replied.
Jay grinned. "I was bored at the pearl showroom the other night with Lorelei, and I didn't know pearls came in so many colours, instead of just white, so I thought you ladies might like something, too." He looked uncertain. "Are they okay? I don't usually do jewellery, because I don't know what to buy. The girl at the counter picked these out for me when I described you."
How precisely had he described her for a girl she'd never met to pick something so perfect? Oh God, how much had it cost? Penny squirmed in her seat. "It's lovely. Really."
"Good." Jay sighed, glancing around. "Is it just the four of us for dinner? Where's everyone else?"
The seats across the table didn't remain unoccupied for long. The two IT guys crept in to take the seats across from Calais and Xan, followed by Jackie, one of the senior maids Penny remembered from when she worked here. Penny received a nod of recognition from the woman and wanted to sink under the table, but she was forced to smile as Jay made introductions. Just as long as Jackie didn't mention Penny's previous work experience, it would be okay, Penny promised herself.
"Oh, are you here already?" Lorelei sang out, prancing into the room. She wore an over-the-top evening gown that was slit to the waist, showing off her surgically enhanced boobs. Strategically placed clusters of rhinestones held the dress together at shoulder, hip and navel, and Lorelei wore earrings to match, with not a single pearl in sight.
Hadn't Jay bought her jewellery? He'd hated his date that much, that he'd decided to buy gifts for the other girls instead? Penny stifled a grin.
Lorelei's hair looked like a mop that had gotten tangled in the mangroves after a cyclone: half up, half down, with tendrils sticking out like they'd been windblown that way. Penny guessed it must be something fresh out of the latest fashion magazine, because Lorelei didn't look the least bit flustered when everyone stared. "You must be Jay's mother, brothers and sister! I'm delighted to meet you!" Lorelei swanned around the table, shaking hands with Jay's family of staff, oblivious to the coughing fit Jackie faked to cover her laughter.
Jay waited until Lorelei was seated across from him to correct her.
"Oh!" In one syllable and its accompanying sneer, Lorelei managed to convey her complete disgust for anyone who worked in a hotel. Penny wanted to kick her under the table. A normal person would have at least had the grace to look embarrassed at such a stupid mistake, but not Lorelei.
A waiter wandered in with a bottle of champagne and proceeded to fill everyone's glasses. Well, with no vehicles on the island, no one had to be the designated driver tonight, Penny thought, taking a big gulp of her wine. She felt Jackie's eyes on her, so she took another defiant gulp before setting the glass down.
"So what have you been doing with yourself after you left here?" Jackie asked.
Penny opened her mouth to answer.
Lorelei tittered. "Did you used to work here, Penelope?"
"We were both maids together in the Housekeeping department for a season, until Penny left," Jackie said, lifting her wineglass.
"A maid? Now I know where you learned to fight. You must have had to fight off some of the determined male guests, I'm sure. After all, in a place like this, they'd expect full service maids, right?" Lorelei laughed.
Penny wanted to punch her again, but knew she couldn't with the cameras watching.
"Some of the guests have more hormones than sense," Jackie agreed. "But the resort has always had a firm policy on not letting the staff fraternise with guests. Tonight's an exception, of course, because Mr Felix likes to blur the lines. We're all family here, he says."
"Family?" Jay repeated. "Yes, we are. Jackie's my housekeeper, on top of her normal job, so she makes sure I don't burn the place down. Cam and Seb over there make sure we have communications and enough TV channels, so we don't get bored and cause too much trouble, while Xan keeps everyone in line. Even me."
"Bullshit," Xan replied. "No one's managed to keep Jay in line yet. Isn't that why he wants one of you ladies? Making him behave sounds like a wifely duty, for sure."
Calais giggled, but was drowned out by Lorelei's loud laughter.
"I'd be willing to give it a go!" Lorelei exclaimed.
Over my dead body, thought Penny, but she forced a smile for the camera.
"Look, here comes the first course," Xan said. "You should have seen the chefs when I told them you said you wanted a banquet for eight. We had to add a few courses to make sure each of them got to design their own course. Apparently everyone wants to be a celebrity chef and all it takes is one reality TV show to make you famous, or so I hear."
Penny fervently hoped so. The way things were going tonight, with Jay ignoring her to talk to Calais or his staff most of the time, she knew she wouldn't be winning a rock star out of the show. But her own cooking show would be a cool consolation prize...
A resounding clang gonged through the room, drawing everyone's eye to the door. The orange-splattered chef didn't seem to care that he'd dropped his platter, which two waiters scrambled to clean up. No, Patel's eyes were transfixed on Penny.
Lorelei giggled. "He sure looks shocked to see you, Penelope. Do you know the chef, too?"
Feeling everyone's eyes on her, especially Jay's, Penny swallowed. She had to keep cool. "Oh, he's just my ex," she said with what she hoped sounded like nonchalance. "We broke up a year ago. I didn't know he still worked here." A lie, but a necessary one. He hadn't spoken to her since she'd stopped working at the resort, so she'd
assumed that meant they were over. But the way he stared at her now, his eyes full of hurt, made her wonder...and Jay had noticed, too.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck.
She spent the next fifteen minutes studiously ignoring Patel, until he left the room and a different chef brought the next course in.
Go fuck yourself, universe, Penny thought, hoping the dinner would be done soon. Oh, and universe? Use two cactuses this time.
Thanking the whole sky full of lucky stars that THAT ordeal was finally over, Penny settled at a pub table to sip her beer, wishing she could have a cigarette. The night was officially a disaster, so she may as well drink herself into oblivion until she could sink into a soft hotel bed.
"Right, how about some fun?" Paige gushed.
Penny swore under her breath. Nothing that woman thought up was her idea of fun. More likely, she'd thought up some fresh torture to put them through. Spin the bottle, a wet t-shirt contest to rival the one at the Roebuck Bay Hotel, a game of bingo...
"Karaoke!" Paige squealed, yanking away a makeshift curtain from the wall, revealing a TV screen.
Great. At least with the wet t-shirt contest, she'd have had an excuse to pour her drink over Lorelei's perfect head. Now, all she could do was hope no one asked her to sing, because she had no musical talent at all.
"Who's first?" Paige scanned the group. Penny deliberately didn't make eye contact. "Aww, c'mon. It'll be fun!"
"I never turn down a chance to sing," Jay said, rising. "Someone pick me a song."
Paige giggled. "Actually, I already programmed a few in, to get the party started." She aimed a remote control at the screen, holding out the microphone for Jay in her other hand. "Something easy to start with."